New academic year: A gathering of international exchange students at UEF
SEPTEMBER 9 - UEF held a welcoming gathering where international exchange students had a chance to share their learning situation in a new academic environment.
UEF, Open University Malaysia: Discussion on international semester program
SEPTEMBER 13 - UEF had a welcome and meeting with Open University Malaysia (OUM) to offer more quality international programs to students. They discussed...
Experiencing Japanese martial arts at UEF for the first time
SEPTEMBER 9 - The Faculty of Languages and International Cultures and the Department of Student Services co-organized Japanese Martial Arts Festival to...
Thailand: An international study destination in semester 1B
One of the most anticipated activities by UEFers every academic school year is the semester abroad, where students can study abroad, interact with students...
International University of Monaco Professor: English training program for UEF faculty
SEPTEMBER 6, the UEF International Institute organized a specialized English training program themed "Luxury Branding", with the aim of improving skills and...
More and more students interested in international programs
Possessing an international bachelor’s degree, approaching new learning techniques, and having various job opportunities are the factors that make...
Tourism and Hospitality Management: Standardized UK programs at UEF
Tourism and Hospitality Management has always had a special appeal for energetic young people who love to travel and experience new things as it is one of...
Joining an international environment to fulfill the goal of studying abroad
Many students choose an on-site studying abroad program because of its safety and savings as well as high-quality international education.
A jump start on an semesters abroad in South Korea
August 26 to September 1, the representatives of the Faculty of International Languages and Cultures and UEF International Institute paid a visit to Korean...
[UEF x Ateneo de Davao University - Philippines] Promotion of international programs
AUGUST 31 – UEF continues collaborating with Ateneo de Davao University - Philippines (AdDU) to promote future international programs.