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“Big city” universities always be on top among students' choices

To the dynamic and unceasing discovery such as gen Z, the access to information and services in big cities such as Ho Chi Minh city to advance their learning and career path is always a vital requirement. Therefore, which criterias do urban universities win students’ heart for their choice of four-year learning? 

Meet the diverse learning demand

Going to university is to practice, experience and fulfill knowledge as well as career skills. While gaining knowledge in university, students can expand their understanding on other aspects. The demands for enriching life knowledge, participating in community activities, developing soft skills, building social relationships and entertaining,... are increasing. Additionally, it can be seen that all those activities may occur in urban areas. 

Studying in urban areas helps students attend outside events 

Besides, nowadays, students are concerned about taking more exercise, advocating health and doing gym. So, urban areas are ideal for finding a place to practice gym, dancing or martial arts,...

UEF is one of the most universities providing students modern facilitates to learn and practice

Practical environment and enhancing foreign languages competence 

To meet other diverse learning demands, universities pay attention to foster diverse learning systems. Speaking about foreign languages, it is regarded as a weakness of almost all students. Therefore, there are a range of language choices for urban students to learn with native teachers, such as English, France, Germany, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Chinese, Thai,...

 Learning foreign languages becomes attractive to urban students 

Ho Chi Minh city also attracts a lot of foreigners to live, work and travel. On this occasion, students have more chances to interact with native speakers and improve their language skills. The dynamic international environment in the heart of the city also emphasizes the importance of foreign languages in daily life and work.

Internship opportunities and good careers 

Big cities are the best place for students to advance their career path in entrepreneurs, banks, leading organs. Besides, they can have a part-time job, full time job while studying at school. Additionally, some entrepreneurs mark these opportunities to employ the connected triangles module between entrepreneurs, university and students. 

Connected module between students and entrepreneurs of UEF

In addition, the city center is a leading unit in youth campaigns, volunteer activities as well as big events for students,... Students have chances to sharpen their skills and challenge themselves in diverse contests, such as startup, building personal brand, art, music, academic,...

Students have more opportunities to attend big competitions and events 

Universities which meet the demand of integrative learning, always provide state-of-the-art facilities. Moreover, the arduous support for students makes the unique identity of urban universities. In which, UEF is one of the most favourable universities in which the image of confident and dynamic graduated students has become familiar in society. 


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