UEF representatives welcomed Mr. Do Quoc Anh - Vice Chairman, Board of Directors; Dr. Nhan Cam Tri - Vice President; Dr. Do Huu Nguyen Loc - Vice President, Director of the International Institute; Dr. Ngo Minh Hai - Vice President; Mr. Huynh Quoc Phong - Director, Center of Corporate Partnerships; Ms. Pham Thi Thuy Linh - Deputy Dean, Faculty of Languages and International Cultures; Ms. Nguyen Hong Nhung - Deputy Director, International Institute; Mr. Tran Thanh Cong - Head of E-commerce.
At this meeting, Mr. Do Quoc Anh introduced outstanding information about UEF with the goal of internationalizing education and expressed hope for cooperation with universities in Korea in the next academic year. According to the training missions and orientations, UEF also wants to have the opportunity to implement many more quality programs with Wonkwang Educational Foundation.
Dr. Do Huu Nguyen Loc also shared the impressive medical story of Wonkwang University Hospital and expressed his hope for educational cooperation opportunities in the future.
Regarding the partner delegation, Mr. Park Sung Tae - President, Wonkwang University reviewed the distinctive information of Wonkwang Educational Foundation in general and Wonkwang University in specific particular. Along with the goal of expanding and providing opportunities facilitating conditions for Vietnamese students to study at the university, he also expressed hope for solid cooperation with UEF in the future.
The information exchanged at the meeting between the parties will be a stepping stone for future cooperation, featuring more high-quality international programs for UEFers.