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UEFers majoring in Psychology get more opportunities to study at National Chi Nan University, Taiwan


With the desire to bring more international study opportunities for students, the Faculty of Public Relations and Communication coordinated with the UEF International Institute to organize a meeting and exchange of cooperation with National Chi Nan University, Taiwan.

The meeting expanded UEFers’ global learning opportunities 

The representative of Chi Nan University attending the meeting was Prof. Wen-Jou Hung - Department of International and Comparative Education. From the Faculty of Public Relations and Communication, there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Thi Hong Ha - Dean; Dr. Dang Anh Luc - Deputy Dean; Ms. Nguyen Thi Bich Van - Deputy Dean; Dr. Nguyen Van Tuong - Head, Psychology Department. From the UEF International Institute, there was Ms. Huynh Tu Anh - Deputy Director.  

Representatives from both sides exchanged presents

During the meeting, UEFers listened to the introduction of Chi Nan International University from the partner’s representative. The university is dedicated to promoting international exchange and cooperation in culture and education and fostering domestic and foreign talents with high qualifications and international vision, which is also consistent with the educational mission that UEF is pursuing.

GS. Wen-Jou Hung shared information about the exchange program 

Through this cooperation exchange program, both universities expressed their desire to share unique cultural characteristics and enhance awareness among students from both countries on this issue. Additionally, other topics were discussed, including the exchange of expertise and career opportunities in the field of psychology for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, Chinese language courses, internships, international volunteer activities, etc.

International student delegation visited UEF’s infrastructure

National Chi Nan University is a comprehensive university consisting of several colleges, including the College of Humanities, the College of Education, the College of Management, the College of Science and Technology, and the Shui Sha Lian College. Most of these colleges offer bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs.

UEFers participating in the exchange program with Chi Nan will accumulate valuable knowledge and practical experiences, thereby expanding their relationships, fostering international friendships, and enhancing their global integration skills.


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