In the last week of semester 1B (January 14), UEF students participating in the course Social Networks - Interactive Media completed community service learning (CEL)...
In the last week of Semester 1B (January 14, 2022), UEF students participating in the Social Networking - Interactive Media course completed community-based learning...
On 2 days 10 and 11/11,more than 90 UEF students of the Faculty of Business Administration participated in 3 community engagement subjects, namely Direct Marketing and...
On November 10 and 11, more than 60 students of the UEF Faculty of Business Administration participating in two community engagement subjects, Direct Marketing and...
To raise social awareness of cerebral palsy (CP) as well as create a safe place where people with CP can connect and integrate, the Faculty of Public Relations and...
On November 5, the UEF Center of Service-Learning (CSL) and the students who coordinated the “Sketchnote for Good” project introduced the project to new members. This...
During half of the first semester (1A) of the academic year 2021-2022, many UEF Faculties have implemented activities for community engagement in subjects. These...
On April 28th, more than 30 students from UEF's Information Technology (IT) program attended the Website Handover Ceremony at Ai Linh Love School. This is a Web Design...
On the morning of April 28th, over 30 students from the University of Economics and Finance (UEF) Information Technology (IT) Faculty participated in the Website...
In the past semester, UEF’s Community Connection Center and Faculty of Information Technology integrated community service activities into the Web Design subject with...