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Năm 2023

Công bố Quốc tế của Trường Đại học Kinh tế - Tài chính TP HCM nằm trong danh mục Scopus tính đến năm 2023 thuộc các lĩnh vực

Các công bố thuộc danh mục Scopus trong năm 2023 bao gồm:
Result Number Document title Authors Year Source
1 Digital transformation toward sustainable development in Vietnamese small and medium enterprises Sang, T.M. 2023 Management and Marketing, 18(s1), pp. 459-473
2 The Role of Entrepreneurship in Successfully Achieving Circular Supply Chain Management Le, T.T., Behl, A., Graham, G. 2023 Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 24(4), pp. 537-561
3 What drives purchase behavior for electric vehicles among millennials in an emerging market Le, T.T., Jabeen, F., Santoro, G. 2023 Journal of Cleaner Production, 428.139213
4 Do green energy markets catch cold when conventional energy markets sneeze? Rao, A., Lucey, B., Kumar, S., Lim, W.M. 2023 Energy Economics, 127.107035
5 The contribution of circular economy practices on the resilience of production systems: Eco-innovation and cleaner production's mediation role for sustainable development Le, T.T., Ferraris, A., Dhar, B.K. 2023 Journal of Cleaner Production, 424.138806
6 The role of brand and market orientation on competitive advantage in the food sector: business strategy’s moderator role Nguyen Van, I., Le, T.T., Kotaskova, A. 2023 British Food Journal, 125(11), pp. 3888-3911
7 Sustainable economic performance and natural resource price volatility in the post-covid-pandemic: Evidence using GARCH models in Chinese context Pham Thi, T.D., Do, H.D., Paramaiah, C., (...), Pham, V.K., Shamansurova, Z. 2023 Resources Policy, 86.104138
8 Autonomy-Based Listening: Vietnamese University Students’ Perceptions of Self-Access Web-Based Listening Practices Thi Mai, V.L. 2023 SiSal Journal, 14(3), pp. 267-286
9 Are the stabilities of stablecoins connected? Thanh, B.N., Hong, T.N.V., Pham, H., Cong, T.N., Anh, T.P.T. 2023 Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 50(3), pp. 515-525
10 The role of knowledge management in driving academic advancement: empirical examination from the lens of the social cognitive theory Ngo, Q.H., Le, T.T., Dang, H.P., Nguyen-Viet, B. 2023 VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 53(5), pp. 901-922
11 The association of corporate social responsibility and sustainable consumption and production patterns: The mediating role of green supply chain management Le, T.T. 2023 Journal of Cleaner Production, 414.137435
12 Contribution of corporate social responsibility on SMEs' performance in an emerging market – the mediating roles of brand trust and brand loyalty Tiep Le, T., Ngo, H.Q., Aureliano-Silva, L. 2023 International Journal of Emerging Markets, 18(8), pp. 1868-1891
13 Nexus between natural resource depletion and rent and COP26 commitments: Empirical evidence from Vietnam Tran, T.K., Lin, C.-Y., Tu, Y.-T., (...), Pham Thi, T.D., Shoh-Jakhon, K. 2023 Resources Policy, 85.104024
14 What role financial inclusion, green trade and natural resources utilization play in ASEAN economic growth: Evidence from post COVID era Kien, P.V., Ou, J.P., Sadiq, D.M., (...), Huy, P.Q., Tran, T.K. 2023 Resources Policy, 85.103884
15 Mining Weighted Sequential Patterns Based on Prefix-Tree and Prism Encoding Pham, T.-T., Vu, T.-D., Nguyen, T.-D., Huynh, B., Van, T. 2023 Vietnam Journal of Computer Science, 10(3), pp. 357-372
16 The effects of online restaurant menus on consumer purchase intention: evidence from an emerging economy Le, T.T., Bui Thi Tuyet, N., Le Anh, T., (...), Trinh Thi Thai, N., Nguyen Lan, A. 2023 British Food Journal, 125(7), pp. 2663-2679
17 How do food supply chain performance measures contribute to sustainable corporate performance during disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic emergency? Le, T.T. 2023 International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 40(5), pp. 1233-1258
18 The Use of Edtech Apps in English Language Learning: EFL Learners’ Perspectives Tran, T.Q., Duong, T.M., Nguyen, D.T.H. 2023 Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 13(5), pp. 1115-1123
19 Linking big data, sustainable supply chain management and corporate performance: the moderating role of circular economy thinking Le, T.T. 2023 International Journal of Logistics Management, 34(3), pp. 744-771
20 BANK CAPITAL AND BANK PROFITABILITY OF VIETNAM COMMERCIAL BANKS Quoc, A.N., My, S.T. 2023 International Journal of Business and Society, 24(1), pp. 56-65
21 Facebook-based language learning: Vietnamese university EFL students' attitudes and practices (  Book Chapter) Duong, T.M., Quoc Tran, T. 2023 Multidisciplinary Applications of Computer-Mediated Communication, pp. 110-132
22 Social Justice Ensures Sustainable Development in Vietnam Hoan, T.Q., Tri, N.M. 2023 Journal of Educational and Social Research, 13(2), pp. 135-143
23 Natural resources and financial development: Role of corporate social responsibility on green economic growth in Vietnam Cai, L., Le, T.T. 2023 Resources Policy, 81.103279
24 U.S.-China trade war and competitive advantage of Vietnam Dhar, B.K., Tiep Le, T., Coffelt, T.A., Shaturaev, J. 2023 Thunderbird International Business Review, 65(2), pp. 255-263
25 Digital wellbeing – a review of the JISC guidance from the UK and Vietnam Foster, S., Ly Thien, T., Foster, A.J., Ho, T.H.T., Knight, S. 2023 Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, Article in Press
26 How to drive business model innovation for food and beverage enterprises after the pandemic: evidence from an emerging economy Le, T.T., Ngo, C.C., Pham Hai Nguyen, H. 2023 European Journal of Innovation Management, Article in Press
27 Service innovation in service industry: a perspective from HRM practices in Vietnam Nguyen, V.D., Bui, H.D., Van Kien Pham, Duong, N.T. 2023 International Journal of Work Innovation, 4(3), pp. 177-193
28 A study on HRM practices, organisational identification, and fairness: evidence from logistics firms in Vietnam Trinh, D.C., Thi, T.H.H., Chu, T.H., Thi, T.D.P. 2023 International Journal of Work Innovation, 4(3), pp. 194-210
29 A study on employee mindfulness and organisational citizenship behaviour: job satisfaction and in-role behaviour as mediators Thi, T.D.P., Duong, N.T. 2023 International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 34(3), pp. 271-289
30 Corporate social responsibility, green innovation, environment strategy and corporate sustainable development Le, T.T., Tran, P.Q., Lam, N.P., Tra, M.N.L., Uyen, P.H.P. 2023 Operations Management Research, Article in Press
31 The impact of green finance, eco-innovation, renewable energy and carbon taxes on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries: Evidence from CS ARDL estimation Sadiq, M., Chau, K.Y., Ha, N.T.T., (...), Ngo, T.Q., Huy, P.Q. 2023 Geoscience Frontiers, 101689
32 Enhancing CSR activities to increase bank attractiveness My Sang, T., Hung, N.T., Dinh, N.N. 2023 Cogent Business and Management, 10(2),2247623
33 “Follow your research career or choose your family”: Female language teachers’ agency in their research engagement Pham, C.H., Chau, N.N.T., Nguyen, K.H.N. 2023 Cogent Education, 10(2),2236456
34 Promoting customer loyalty through e-marketing communication at commercial banks Anh, N.Q., Sang, T.M., Pham, D.P.T. 2023 Nurture, 17(3), pp. 335-344
35 The Tariff Impact of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement on Vietnam’s Seafood Export and Import Tran, N.T., Tran, T.K. 2023 Global Trade and Customs Journal, 18(6), pp. 241-251
36 Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention: an empirical study in emerging economy Le, T.T., Tran, P.Q., Lam, N.P., (...), Le Tra, M.N., Tien, P.D. 2023 Operations Management Research, Article in Press
37 Role of corporate social responsibility on firm performance in emerging economy: The mediating role of access to finance and business model innovation Ngo, Q.H., Le, T.T. 2023 Cogent Business and Management, 10(2),2232585
39 Consumers’ intention to use APPs to purchase in physical stores Evidence from Vietnam Van Kien, P. 2023 Quality - Access to Success, 24(195), pp. 366-371
40 Social media and business innovation capabilities toward enhancing firm's performance: an empirical research from environmental quality approach Le, T.T., Chakrabarti, S. 2023 Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Article in Press
41 Transforming customers into evangelists: influence of online brand experience on relationship quality and brand evangelism in the banking industry Safeer, A.A., Le, T.T. 2023 Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Article in Press
42 Listening errors at chunk level in the case of vietnamese university learners of english as a foreign language Luu, V.T.M., Trinh, T.T. 2023 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, 29(1), pp. 50-60
43 Examining the role of significant others in Vietnamese high school EFL students’ motivational constructions Pham, C.H. 2023 Learning: Research and Practice, 9(1), pp. 4-22
44 Market efficiency of Asian stock markets during the financial crisis and non-financial crisis periods Chang, H.-W., Chiang, Y.-C., Ke, M.-C., Wang, M.-H., Nguyen, T.-T. 2023 International Review of Economics and Finance, 83, pp. 312-329
45 Secure and opportunistic communication with interference cancellation against powerful and full-duplex attackers Thai, C.D.T., Tran, T.T., Huynh, D.-T. 2023 Wireless Networks, 29(1), pp. 403-412
46 Do people intend to use AI Voice Assistants? An empirical study in Vietnam Pham Thi, T.D., Duong, N.T. 2023 Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 33(6), pp. 859-878
47 Technical and scale efficiency of intensive white-leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farming in Vietnam: A data envelopment analysis Ngoc, P.T.A., Le, V., Pham, T.T., (...), Le, T.C., Oude Lansink, A. 2023 Aquaculture Economics and Management, 27(1), pp. 50-65
48 Perceived risk and booking intention in the crisis of Covid-19: comparison of tourist hotels and love hotels Pham Minh, Q., Ngoc Mai, N. 2023 Tourism Recreation Research, 48(1), pp. 128-140
49 The role of brand and market orientation on competitive advantage in the food sector: business strategy’s moderator role. Nguyen Van, I., Le, T. T., & Kotaskova, A. 2023 British Food Journal, 125(11), 3888-3911.
50 The effects of online restaurant menus on consumer purchase intention: evidence from an emerging economy. Le, T. T., Bui Thi Tuyet, N., Le Anh, T., Dang Thi Kim, N., Trinh Thi Thai, N., & Nguyen Lan, A.  2023 British Food Journal, 125(7), 2663-2679.
51 Linking innovation and firm performance in an emerging market: does supply chain play a mediation role? Nguyen Van, I., Kotaskova, A., Ferraris, A., & Le, T. T.  2023 European Journal of Innovation Management.
52 Logistic service quality on young consumers’ repurchase intention: an empirical study in emerging economy. Le, T. T., Tran, P. Q., Lam, N. P., Uyen, P. H. P., Le Tra, M. N., & Tien, P. D.  2023 Operations Management Research, 1-18.
53 What drives purchase behavior for electric vehicles among millennials in an emerging market. Le, T. T., Jabeen, F., & Santoro, G. 2023 Journal of Cleaner Production, 428, 139213.
54 Corporate social responsibility, green innovation, environment strategy and corporate sustainable development. Le, T. T., Tran, P. Q., Lam, N. P., Tra, M. N. L., & Uyen, P. H. P.  2023 Operations Management Research, 1-21.
55 Social media and business innovation capabilities toward enhancing firm's performance: an empirical research from environmental quality approach. Le, T. T., & Chakrabarti, S. 2023 Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal.

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