If the opening of the online counseling program
"Step Up Your Future 2021" involving the latest information of 2021 enrollment has received great attention from parents and students, then the program broadcasted in the last March 11 has continued to introduce immensely useful how-to and skills in deciding a major and choosing a career – this set of information is crucial to the future of students, especially in the context of having a numerous amount of majors as of today.
With the topic
"How to choose a suitable career?", the consultant program includes the participation of lecturers, specialists, business representatives who dedicated to career guidance and enrollment, respectively: Mr. Pham Doan Nguyen - Director of UEF Enrollment Counseling Center, Mr. Tran Anh Tuan - Human resource forecast Specialist, Dr. To Nhi A - Psychological consultant, Ms. Dang Thi Thuy Ai - Principal of HCMC Tran Quang Khai High School, Mr. Le Thanh Nam Giai Phong - Regional Director of AIA Insurance Company.
The panel of specialists participating in the second edition of the online Counseling program “Step Up Your Future”
“Keywords” that are worth noting
"Keep a constant mind in the constant flow of life" - advised Dr. To Nhi A - Psychological consultant. This advice is for students who are going over important decisions for the future. You should keep a clear mind when facing objective factors because you are deciding for yourself.
On the other hand, the psychologist also considered that
"To know oneself is true progress." You must figure out detailed information about the career, acknowledge your own academic capacity, personality group, passion, and situation. Ms. Nhi A also consulted that you can give yourselves personality tests with today's advanced tools to understand your personality in order to choose the right career.
Dr. To Nhi A emphasized: you need to understand yourself as well as figure out the careers before settling in.
Meanwhile, Mr. Tran Anh Tuan – Human resource forecast Specialist - listed that there are 4 essential factors to not when choosing a major or career, which are preferences, capacity, economic situation, and labor market. These four factors must be combined to help the students make the best decision. Moreover, Mr. Tuan emphasized that compatibility is a must when choosing a major/career.
Mr. Tran Anh Tuan analyzed the decisive factors when choosing a major/career
Mr. Pham Doan Nguyen - Director of UEF Enrollment Counseling Center, noted that "There are no “hot” jobs in the world, only "hot" people in that profession". He advised the students to not only need to acknowledge themselves but also have to thoroughly understand the career before making a choice.
Mr. Pham Doan Nguyen provided further information: UEF has started to receive transcript admission applications from March 1 to May 31
As the representative of the business, Mr. Le Thanh Nam Giai Phong - Regional Director of AIA Insurance Company - advised students to have their own backup career plan and do their best in the first chosen option if they are successfully enrolled.
Overcoming obstacles when choosing a major/career
Choosing a major/career for students is not only derived from personal opinions but also influenced by objective factors from their family, relatives, and trends. Many of the students who asked questions about this issue were all answered by the consultants. Particularly, the students wanted to know more about the obstacle such as graduates working in the wrong field, or the difficulty in applying for a job after graduation because of lack of experience, or should students study many majors at the same time to apply for a job easily, etc.
Mr. Le Thanh Nam Giai Phong advised the students not to follow the trends, but to know whether their own abilities are enough or not.
Aside from these issues, the consultants also gave a career overview of some specific professions that students might be interested in such as International Business, Marketing, Economic Law, E-commerce, etc.
The specialists all emphasized that only the students can make the best choice, they should not be wavered, rather only consult the opinions from surrounding people. Moreover, they need to understand themselves, apprehend the professions to make the right choice. At the same time, students should not follow the "trend" of studying many majors at a time if they don’t have enough capacity, as advised by Dr. To Nhi A: "One job for sure is better than nine jobs for nothing".
Along with answering questions about how to choose a suitable major/career, Mr. Pham Doan Nguyen also mentioned the 2021 enrollment method at UEF for students to consider. UEF will accept applications for university admission in four ways: 2021 high school graduation exam results, VNU-HCM's Competency assessment test results, transcripts admission based on the combination of 3 subjects’ scores of grade 12, and study transcript admission according to the total average score of 5 semesters. UEF has also started to receive transcripts admission applications from March 1 to May 31 for the first batch.
Students and parents who are interested can review the entire counseling content by clicking HERE
The next issue of online admission consultancy "Step up your future" with the topic "Human resource needs of the Business and Management groups" will be live at 19.30 pm next Thursday, March 18. 2021. Don’t forget to follow and watch them on the UEF’s Facebook fanpage and the HCM City Journal of Education’s Facebook fanpage.
Students and parents can ask questions directly at the live program or call the hotline (028) 5422 5555.
News: Nguyen Le, Photos: Orage