Marketing training programs are designed to provide qualified human resources for businesses and open up career development opportunities for UEF students.
Knowledge and Skills acquired:
• Practical knowledge and skills of business and marketing such as: doing market research, building and developing client relationships, designing programs for product distribution, handling the distribution of products, pricing products, promoting brands, and organizing events.
• Analysing and forecasting market demand, handling market research activities, working out strategies for developing and managing brands, studying customer behaviours and needs, establishing a marketing information system, and creating marketing communications plans.
• Some interesting subjects such as: Basic Marketing, Marketing Management, Customer Behaviour, Product Strategy, Advertising and Promotion, International Marketing, Services Marketing, PR, Event Organization, etc.

Why choose UEF?
• UEF graduates in marketing have shown their abilities in domestic and foreign enterprises.
• UEF is located in the city center with modern facilities. Classrooms are equipped with air conditioners and Wi-Fi.
• Maximum class size is 40 students
• English is the main communication language at UEF. Those students who do not meet the minimum English proficiency requirements will be privileged to attend intensive English classes.
• UEF offers friendly and creative learning environment with dedicated teachers holding a Master’s or higher degree.
• UEF stresses the importance of student-centered approach.
• There is a tutoring system where tutors are ready to help students with their assignments and research ideas.
• UEF’s standardized curriculum is regularly updated with reference to those used in the universities in the U.S.
• UEF has close relationships with domestic and international enterprises, so students are guaranteed internships and job opportunities.
• UEF helps students to become dynamic and confident to integrate successfully into the future working environment through soft skills training sessions and extracurricular activities.
Any particular personal qualities required?
• Interested in business and getting rich.
• Sociable and willing to have more social relationships.
• Open to challenges and ready to do revolutionary things.
Career Prospects
Due to economic integration and fierce competition in the investment environment and production, each company or organization needs to gain a foothold in the business market. Therefore, professional hands of marketers are indispensable. From now on, you should equip yourselves for dynamic jobs and a bright future.
Possible Positions
• Employees in marketing companies such as Advertising Agency, Media Agency, Market Research Agency, etc.
• Market research professionals, Customer Care professionals, Advertising professionals, PR professionals, Brand promoters and managers in all kinds of enterprises.
• Teachers and researchers of Marketing at universities, colleges, and educational institutions.