UEF News

A chance to explore Singaporean and Malaysian cultures for UEFers


In hope of fostering academic integration and diversifying practical experiences, UEF International Institute has launched an International Camp at Malaysian and Singaporean campuses. 

This once in a blue moon trip is open for all UEFers as an opportunity to experience new cultures and gain more knowledge at these top-notch foreign institutions.


The chance for UEFers to experience foreign education and exchange cultures in Singapore and Malaysia

Our cross-cultural exploration and learning journey officially takes place from June 12 to June 16. Most interestingly, UEFers are free to register. 

The registration portal will officially close on May 30.

The cost for this 5-day & 4-night trip from Vietnam to Singapore, and Malaysia is 16.000.000 VND/student. Including:

- Round trip flight tickets (SGN-SIN/KUL-SGN);

- 3-star hotels;

- Transportations;

- Meals and entrance tickets for scheduled destinations;

- Singapore/Malaysia – Vietnam airport tax, security and fuel charges, travel insurance and CoronaVirus Health Insurance.

Note: Dinners and personal expenses are not included.

UEFers in Thailand and the US in the previous trip 

According to plan, the first day will be our cultural exchange at one of the top prestigious universities in science, engineering, and technology in Singapore – Nanyang Technological University. Afterward, students can have a taste of the local cuisine. Next, they will participate in a field study at a Singaporean enterprise to broaden their horizon in business operation and management by observing how the international enterprise functions.

At the end of the field trip, UEFers will receive a participation certificate from the 3 prestigious universities.

Attractive destinations for UEFers on the trip

Such an exotic and worthwhile trip! Register now to have a chance to immerse yourself in numerous incredible multi-cultural experiences and learn in highly developed countries. Valuable experiences and practical self-development chances await you!

For more information, please contact:

Ms. Ngoc Han – UEF International Institute (4th floor)

Email: international@uef.edu.vn/hancn@uef.edu.vn

Hotline: 0916 061 080


Tan Phat