UEF News

The "privileges" for students participating in the UEF International Semester program.


Intending to educate global citizens and supply the market with high-quality human resources, UEF consistently emphasizes internationalization in its education programs. In the academic year 2023 - 2024, the university is enhancing the International Semester program for students, expanding its scale, and diversifying its network of international partner institutions. This article highlights the most prominent benefits of UEF’s International Semester program.

The prominent benefits of UEF’s International Semester program

The International Semester program at UEF has been implemented for a long time. However, in this academic year, the university will promote and expand its scale, encouraging students to participate in regular study abroad with notable "privileges". This initiative will provide students with valuable international experience before graduation.

Explore the prominent benefits of UEF's International Semester Program in the academic year 2023-2024.

Recognition of study results as international credits.

Students participating in the International Semester will have their courses and grades earned during their study abroad experience recognized and converted accordingly. Therefore, the credits obtained in an international environment will be fully recognized and hold significant value. This is considered a notable advantage that UEFers can highlight on their CV when applying for multinational companies and corporations.

Enhancing Language Skills

The language of instruction throughout the International Semester program is English. This provides an opportunity for students to enhance their language skills. Engaging in learning and interacting with native speakers will allow UEFers to acquire new knowledge, expand their vocabulary, and discover new learning methods. As a result, UEFers’ language proficiency and competence will be elevated to a higher level.

UEFers can enhance their language skills through this international program

Accessing Trending Courses

In the International Semester, students not only have the opportunity to study English language courses but also consistently enrich their knowledge with trending subjects such as Introduction to AI, Build Your Soft Skills, Leadership Skills for First, PR Planning, Online Advertising, Smart Business, and more. By accessing these courses in an international environment, UEFers will gain valuable new insights, enhancing their intellectual arsenal, and better preparing themselves for their future careers.

Interact and Expand Connections with International Friends

Engaging in studying abroad for a month, UEFers will have the opportunity to interact and learn from their international friends. This provides a platform for UEF students to confidently introduce their own culture and specialties, while also listening to the proud sharing of their international peers about their own countries. As a result, students' connections are expanded, fostering a strong sense of solidarity between Vietnamese students and global peers.

Experience studying abroad life

Embarking on the International Semester, students will experience the independent life of studying abroad, living away from their families, and focusing on acquiring knowledge in the fastest and most effective way to return home soon. It is also an opportunity for international students to explore the culture and tourism of a new land, enhancing their experiences and broadening their self-awareness.

Experience the life of studying abroad, freely explore new lands

International Semester - Creating Momentum for Development, Facilitating Global Integration for Students

The International Semester program is implemented in Semester 2B of the academic year 2023-2024, specifically designed for UEF students from various majors who possess a valid passport. Students will have the opportunity to study at prestigious universities in Malaysia such as the University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and HELP University. Additionally, in this summer's International Semester, UEF also offers students the chance to study at Tongmyong University (TU) in South Korea.

The international universities where UEFers enroll for studying are UEF’s strategic partners

To obtain more detailed information and address any inquiries, you can register for consultation here. The UEF International Institute will receive your information and promptly contact you to provide the necessary assistance, allowing students from various majors to access and register for the International Semester in the academic year 2023-2024. The deadline for registration and fee payment for the program organized in Semester 2B is from the date of announcement until March 24.

To receive new international benefits in the curriculum, UEFers quickly register for the International Semester Program. This will be the platform for development, helping students integrate internationally and become global citizens in the near future. 

Contacts : 

UEF International Institute (4th Floor, Campus 141-145 Dien Bien Phu)

Phone: (028) 5422 1374 - Hotline: 091 606 1080

Email: international@uef.edu.vn